Co-Creating a Thriving, Resilient World: Exploring the Next Normal

Green, Eggs and Bam!

Everything has changed. What was normal a few months ago is no longer. COVID-19 has disrupted nearly every facet of our world’s social, economic and environmental systems. But while it’s nowhere near over, we firmly believe that now is the time for leaders to rethink everything; to step back and assess what we have learned from our response to the pandemic and begin co-creating the next normal—one that is resilient, sustainable and will avoid a more serious crisis than we are in right now: the climate crisis.

To explore this topic, we hosted a virtual Green, Eggs and Bam! In this interactive 90-minute Zoom discussion with Omaha and Lincoln community and organizational leaders, we explored what we have learned from the pandemic, how those lessons can be used to ensure we take meaningful action on the climate crisis, and how we can create a “next normal” that is just, resilient and sustainable.

Special guest Dr. Elizabeth Bagley, Director of Drawdown Learn at Project Drawdown discussed how the pandemic is shifting the conversation about some of the most impactful climate change solutions we can take to help people and the planet thrive together. Then, our Chief Century Thinker Daniel Lawse provided an overview of the adaptive cycle and its relevance to our discussion. Following a brief Q&A with Dr. Bagley, we discussed the lessons we each have learned and what we will carry with us.

We really enjoyed hosting the conversation, and attendees were very thankful for the opportunity to participate and begin thinking about how we can co-create a just, resilient and sustainable next normal. Click here to see a 3-page summary of the event.

Interested in co-creating the next normal together? Give us a shout or sign up for our occasional but definitely not regular e-newsletter!

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