Active Hope and Why It Matters in Sustainability

Active hope means believing in a better future and working persistently to make that vision a reality. Change management expert Kathleen Allen, who co-leads our Regenerative Leadership Community, shared her wisdom on the importance of active hope in sustainability at our latest discussion.
Active hope is not easily achieved, she said, because the issues we face, especially related to climate change, are extremely complex. Still, we know we must adapt to those realities — and active hope is a strong pillar in building resilience.
So, how do we inspire active hope in ourselves and others? Practicing gratitude in our daily lives and engaging others in conversations about our futures are two straightforward ways to get started, Kathy said.
As a result, we could develop a stronger sense that our individual actions matter to the future of our planet and that we have the ability to achieve our desired future. (Nebraska’s Climatologist Martha Shulski would agree!)
If those actions and outcomes are difficult to connect, try putting the same concept in a professional context. As Kathy said, if every employee in a workplace considered their work absolutely critical to the organization’s success, they would likely be more empowered to believe in their contributions and build hope that their company’s mission can be achieved.
Our Regenerative Leadership Community meets virtually each month to access deep insights on personal growth and development, and you are welcome to join us! Meetings include a mix of expert presentation and interactive, enlightening discussion. Please visit the Regenerative Leadership Community page to watch past conversations and sign up for future events.