A Climate Action Plan (CAP) is intended to be a strategic roadmap that an organization commits to in order to successfully implement and generate organizational, or community-wide, support for climate-related mitigation.

A Climate Action Plan (CAP) is intended to be a strategic roadmap that an organization commits to in order to successfully implement and generate organizational, or community-wide, support for climate-related mitigation.

People participate in what they help create. This is why Verdis Group co-creates your Climate Action Plan with you. A Climate Action Plan helps organizations understand their climate impacts and identify projected climate risks, organizational vulnerabilities, and strategies to go beyond net zero. We integrate your input with our expertise to co-create a Plan that is people-powered, data-informed, detailed, inclusive, equitable, and customized to local solutions.

Our process aligns and integrates your current efforts with collaboratively developed strategies and charts a path to achieve your goals. Our partnership helps organizations build resilience and increase adaptive capacity.

Climate Action Plan Process


We launch the Climate Action Plan by establishing teams and gathering essential qualitative and quantitative data, including completing your greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and Climate Vulnerability Assessment. The Discovery phase is when we get aligned with where you are. 

Vision & Barriers

Once we align on where you are, it’s time to zoom out and forward to determine where you want to go and what’s in the way. Our participatory Vision and Barriers workshops help you coalesce around a shared organizational vision. We also begin your Net Zero Emissions Pathway during this phase.

Strategy Development

While it’s nice to know where you’re going and what might get in the way, we know a vision without strategy and action is just a dream. In this phase, we work with your team to identify, assess, and refine actionable strategies. We then develop an implementation plan that identifies tactics, owners, timelines, and resource needs. The outcome is a work plan with actionable tactics and a timeline, setting you on a course to achieve your vision.


Following the participatory processes, we bring it all together with a Climate Action Plan that is relevant, usable, and actionable. The plan and supporting resources help you integrate climate and sustainability actions throughout the organization and set you up for success in reaching your goals.

Sustainability Plans

Sustainability Plans are strategic planning documents that prioritize strategies to lower greenhouse gas emissions, divert waste from landfills, and reduce water and energy use — all while engaging the public along the way. But these documents are not meant to sit on a shelf. Verdis Group works with many organizations to co-create tailored Sustainability Master Plans that can be put into action and benefit every level of the organization.

Net Zero Pathways

Greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut by 50% by 2030 and drop to Net Zero by 2050. The time to act is now, and we all have an important role to play. Your organization has the opportunity to lead for your employees, your customers, and your community by reducing your emissions with Verdis Group’s Net Zero Pathway.

Materiality Assessments

Our materiality assessments are designed to help identify and understand what is most relevant, or “material,” to a company, its customers, and suppliers. 

We work with you to engage key parties in the development and implementation of a materiality assessment. Using materiality assessments as an organizational sustainability tool results in a competitive advantage over market peers by supporting risk mitigation, enhancing key party engagement, and providing strategic focus.

Let’s talk!

Verdis Group’s climate action planning services supply your organization with the necessary expertise and tools to set yourself apart as a climate leader. Reach out today to start your journey with us.