Science Cafe: What Climate Science is Telling Us

I’m a huge fan of UNMC’s Science Cafe, and it’s not just because we’re working with UNMC or dig hanging out at the Slowdown. Science Cafes present a great venue for some legitimate and thought-provoking discussion that is 100% based on science. While past topics have piqued our interest, tonight’s topic was what we really love to dream about: “What Climate Science is Telling Us”.
And lo and behold, our good friend, Dr. Andrew Jameton was the featured lecturer. Among many other endeavors, Dr. Jameton is one of the founding members and current board president at City Sprouts, the oldest community garden in Omaha and an organization we’ve supported in the past.
Although Andy led with a disclaimer that he isn’t a scientist (he’s a philosopher), he did a great job explaining the science of climate change with a variety of charts and graphs. Educating the public on climate science is not easy, but Dr. Jameton’s unassuming and non-combative approach proved the perfect touch for the warm crowd that had gathered. He only vaguely touched on the moral and ethical elements of the anthropological causes though. I left feeling like there was a deeper conversation that was warranted, but it’s a conversation that’s best in a group of a few rather than a few dozen.
All in all, the lecture was both informative and thought-provoking, and I’m really tempted to sign up for the course Dr. Jameton co-teaches: Climate Change, Sustainability and Public Health. And I could help but daydream just a bit about the cheers of the holiday season…the similarities between the good Dr. Jameton and jolly ol’ St. Nick are nothing short of striking.