Introducing LOVErdis: Strive for Zero

To celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we are launching our LOVErdis ‘Strive for Zero’ annual campaign!
During one 24-hour period each year, the Verdis Group team will descend upon one lucky nonprofit to put together a full strategy for reducing landfill-bound waste and striving for Zero Waste! This includes deploying our team onsite to:
- Review current collection processes, including:
- Hauler pickup schedules and pricing
- Internal and external bins and signage
- Waste and collection processes
- Purchasing policies and practices
- Complete a waste audit whereby Verdis staff will sort a few days’ worth of waste to determine how much could be potentially recycled or composted
- Prepare recommendations for reducing landfill-bound waste with an eye toward striving for Zero Waste
- Design, print and deploy signage for bins and recycling stations
- Write a grant to obtain any needed equipment and supplies (if applicable)
- Present findings to stakeholders
Interested nonprofits can submit application here (it’s a short, simple one!). Due date is August 31, 2019. We will make an award by September 20 and intend to complete the work in October. Other terms and conditions: Only one location is eligible (we won’t have time to visit multiple buildings). Our services are FREE but any future costs are the responsibility of the nonprofit (some costs may be covered by a Nebraska Recycling Council equipment grant). Only nonprofits in the Omaha and Lincoln metro areas are eligible.
We are excited to give back to the communities that have been so supportive of us over the years. Now let’s Strive for Zero!!!